Julita Elbe, "Stone and gap" No.67, 2021, paper collage, acrylic and paper (20x30cm) on watercolor paper 300g (36x48cm)
The internet is full of inspiration. Every day I discover beautiful art, design, and architecture – but often these little treasures get lost in the digital clutter. With ‘The Edit’ I want to share a carefully curated selection of outstanding artworks, stunning architecture, and inspiring designs that catch my eye in my daily research. Let’s...

Minimalist Art

Aesence Newsletter for minimalist aesthetics
Aesence Newsletter for minimalist aesthetics

Latest Essays & Editorials

Abstract Sculpture, created with Midjourney
Art can trigger many things in us, from joy and fascination to anger and disgust. But this perception is by no means a one-sided experience. On the contrary, it is a complex...
Is Minimalist Art Too Intellectual? Abstract Painting created with Midjourney by Aesence
It shouldn’t be a surprise that I’m a big fan of minimalist art. I love writing about this subject and exploring it. The thoughts, spiritual and/or philosophical background of the artist particularly...

Minimalist Design

Current Exhibitions

Minimalist Design

Minimalist Lamp Design - K Lamp by Vitamin

Minimalist Art

Antonia Ferrer, Cuerdas, Oil on primed canvas, 163x130x5cm © The Artist, Image Courtesy Alzueta Gallery


Essays and Editorials on Aesence


Visiting Carla Cascales Alimbau in Barcelona | Aesence Studiovisit

Aesence is an independent art and design publication dedicated to minimalist aesthetics. Founded out of a deep appreciation and fascination, Aesence aims to promote awareness and appreciation of minimalism in art and design.